
Publisher Expert

for Win

View, Edit, Create, and Convert Microsoft Publisher(.pub) on Windows

Edit Microsoft Publisher document with leading-edge tech.

Publisher Expert

View, edit, create, convert Microsoft Publisher on Windows.$69.99

Publisher Expert for Mac/iPad/iPhone
System Requirements: Windows 10 Creator Update or Higher( 32/64 Bits Intel only)

View, Edit, Create, Convert Microsoft Publisher in Image, PDF

Publisher Expert is a must-have app for anyone who reads, edits, converts Microsoft Office Publisher documents without MS Publisher software on Windows.


Publisher Expert provides the best experience for reading, edting & converting of PUB documents. You can open various .pub files of Microsoft Publisher without MS Publisher tool on your PC, Publisher Expert can support all kinds of different versions.

With Publisher Expert you can:

Read Document
Each PUB document page will be processed with high accuracy, almost all of the document original format and layout can be kept successfully, you can easily view it from one page to another.
Edit Document
Publisher Expert supports the text, shape, image and table editing, and it also allows you insert new text, shape, image and table. You can create rich text and table, You can change the text font, color, fill, background, border, rotation and so on, change these style can be from its right click menu.
Create Document
Publisher Expert has powerful editing tools, you can use master page feature to improve document editing efficiency. Publisher Expert has 5000+ kinds of standard pape size, such as standard paper, advertisements, binder divider tab, booklets, business cards, designed paper, E-mail, envelopes, greeting cards, mailing labels, media labels, names tag, other labels, photo paper, postcards, posters, small publications, web sites, and so on. You can start a new document with different paper or customized paper size.
Publisher element
Publisher Expert has text, image, shape and table object element, all of them are full compatible with MS Publisher. Publisher Expert has the best table component, you can easily add row/column, delete row/column, resize row/column, merge cells, unmerge cells, edit text, change font, fill color, change table style and so on.
Save document
Publisher Expert saves standard MS Publisher document format, you can reopen it with MS Publisher software, so you can reuse it.
Advanced WMF/EMF graphic renderer
WMF/EMF is exclusive image format on Windows, Publisher Expert can fully draw if document has them.
Rotate object
Publisher Expert can easily rotate text, image, shape.
Cut/copy/paste object
Publisher Expert can easily cut/copy/paste text, image, shape, and table to improve your edting efficiency.
Bring to front and send to back
Publisher Expert can easily bring to front, send to back text, image, shape and table, so that you can rearrange these elements.
Master page & page background
Publisher Expert fully supports MS Publisher master page feature, you also can set page background.
Reorder page
Publisher Expert can easily insert new page, duplicate, delete and reorder page.
Convert Document
Publisher Expert supports the exporting of many kinds of image, Adobe PDF, then you can reuse it again.
Batch and Partial conversion modes
Ready to buy
Publisher Expert

View, Edit, Create, Convert Microsoft Office Publisher in Image, Adobe PDF formats.
