- PDF to ID provides the best editor and converter experience for PDF doucment. PDF to ID can export as Adobe InDesig format, so this is editable.
Edit, Convert PDF to Adobe InDesign on Mac

With PDF to ID Converer you can:
- PDF Parser
Each PDF document page will be parsed with high accuracy, almost all of the document original format and layout can be kept successfully, you can easily view it from one page to another.. - PDF Editor
PDF to ID has full compatible object library with Adobe InDesign, you can easily edit InDesign object with same object style settings. PDF to ID supports the text, shape(rectangle, round rectangle, oval, triangle, parallelogram, trapezoid, diamond, pentagon, circle, arrow, star, line, line with arrow, dashed line, curve, scribble, etc.), picture, table editing, and also allows you insert new text, shape, picture and table. PDF to ID also has a similar object format window, you can easily format these objects, change text font, color, border, fill and rotation, change picture, table, shape, border, fill and rotation. You can easily cut/copy/paste object, reorder and duplicate page, set page background, and so on. Bring to front and send to back object, so that you can rearrange these elements. All of these will be very convenient for your editing. - Master Page & Background
PDF to ID has all the same Adobe InDesign master page, and eve page background features. Just like Adobe InDesign , you can easily create master page and insert paeg background, and the master page is unlimited. PDF to ID can use background with color, gradient and picture. - Export as Adobe InDesign & PDF format
PDF to ID can easily export Adobe InDesign document format, and this also is editable, you can edit it in Adobe InDesign again, Moreover you can also save as PDF document format, so you can reuse it.

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PDF to ID Converter
Edit and convert PDF document to Adobe InDesign format on you Mac !